The other night I watched one of my favorite movies, Wes Anderson's Fantastic Mr. Fox, and I was reminded how the movie almost seems to be made specifically for me. From the ridiculous, fictionalized cider still that Farmer Bean uses to produce his hard cider that tastes like "melted gold," to the improvisational banjo skills of Petey at his fireside jam, this movie has something for everybody interested in Hard Cider (not quite beer but, close enough), Banjos, or Biology. There is even a scene that pokes fun at Carl Linneaus' system of binomial nomenclature! Lastly, Mr. Fox's encounter with the wolf, Canis lupus, is a perfect (though somewhat comedic) example of how mysterious and majestic nature can be. It is a great family movie, that can be enjoyed by all ages. I highly recommend it to anybody who likes wild animals and banjos (the banjo plays a prominent role in the musical score along with many other rustic instruments).
Mr. Fox: Alright, let's start planning. Who knows shorthand?
[Linda the otter raises her hand]Mr. Fox: Great! Linda! Lutra lutra - you got some dry paper?
[Linda provides paper]Mr. Fox: Here we go. Mole! Talpa europea! What do you got?
Mole: I can see in the dark.Mr. Fox: That's incredible! We can use that!... Rabbit! Oryctolagus cuniculus!Rabbit: I'm fast.Mr. Fox: You bet you are... Beaver! Castor fiber!
Beaver: I can chew through wood.Mr Fox: Amazing!...Badger! Meles meles!Badger: Demolitions expert.Mr. Fox: What? Since when?
The classic wolf encounter. I can only hope that when I encounter my first wolf there will be celestial music in the background.