Contact Me

      If you have a question, comment, idea or anything to contribute, please email me at imakemybeer(at)gmail(dot)com.  If I refer to your correspondence in my blog, I will use your first name only, unless you specify that you would like to be anonymous.  On the other hand, if you offer suggestions that you would like credit for, I will use your full name per your request. You can also leave a comment on the blog, but it will be visible to everyone so think about what you are posting before you submit it.  Try to keep any comments on topic and clean.


  1. two years! wow you have moved fast, keep it up Chris you sound good!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement, Lyda. I've been playing with some folks up hear at AU. Next time I'm in Pensacola, we can share songs.

  3. Why not make a banjo wood working wood shop
