Friday, February 17, 2012


      This is a little late, but I have not had internet access so I'm posting it today as opposed to Tuesday.  Since we just had Valentine's Day, the classic image of a heart is fresh in many people's minds.  Although real hearts don't look anything like that there are many other things in nature that do.

The cross-section of this pignut hickory (Carya glabra) seed has a nice heart shape.  Others liken the shape to a pig's nose, hence the common name.
The mottled leaves of wild ginger (Asarum canadensis) are heart shaped.  Although the plant smells like ginger and was used as a ginger substitute in the past, I heard it has carcinogens so I don't use it as a seasoning.

Both the common and Latin names of the giant heart cockle (Dinocardium robustrum)refer to its heart shape.

A branch was removed from this tree and cut too close to the trunk.  It isn't good for the tree but it resulted in a heart shaped scar.
      I will not have internet access for the next week or two but I'll try to update the blog.

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