Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Old Yellow Dog

Brave boys here
Brave boys there
Brave boys here
Way down in Alabama
-Chorus from Old Yellow Dog Came Trottin' Through the Meeting House

      Here is a fun song I learned.  One of the verses is about a dog that walks through a church.  When I first moved to Alabama, my friend pointed out all the rural dogs, or "Alabama brown dogs" as she affectionately called them, that wander the country side.  Something about this song invokes an image of those dogs wandering around on a hot summer day.  I recently changed my head (from fiberskin to renaissance) and added a compensated bridge,  The banjo lost a little bit of it's mellow tone, but is a little louder.  The fifth string really pops, which I like.  It is, however, very hard to sing over.  Overall, I still think it was a good choice because it helps me fit in with string bands.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Morels Do Exist Near Auburn Alabama!

A thick-footed morel (Morchella crassipes) near Auburn, AL.  My friend Cody stumbled upon this patch.  I believe I owe him a beer.

     Contrary to what the locals have told me, morels do grow in the Auburn-Opelika area!  I'm not sure if the locals were just trying to protect their morels, or if they just didn't know what morels were, but I am sure that they are here.  I don't want to give away my exact spot, but I will tell you that they are north of the fall line.  My very fortunate friend also had black morels (Morchella angusticeps) pop up in her Auburn yard!