Happy New Year! It's been a great year. I got to travel, visit family and friends, and started grad school at Auburn. Let's see what 2013 has in store!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Happy New Year! - Auld Lang Syne
Happy New Year! It's been a great year. I got to travel, visit family and friends, and started grad school at Auburn. Let's see what 2013 has in store!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Simple Gifts / Lord of the Dance
This isn't exactly a Christmas song, but it is still a good song. There are two sets of lyrics that I know, "Simple Gifts" (the original Shaker song) and "Lord of the Dance" (a hymn to the same tune written in 1967).
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Angels We Have Heard on High
Gloria, in excelsis Deo!
"Angels We Have Heard on High", in a clawhammer Banjo style.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Jingle Bells!
Here is "Good King Jolly Wenceslas" and "Jingle Bells." As you know, I usually try to include some history of the songs I post, but it was just covered today on the Banjo Hangout. Two interesting things I have never heard are "Jingle Bells" was originally composed for a Thanksgiving concert, and it was also the first song broadcasted from space. I don't know if those are true. I'll have to check into it.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Deck the Halls!
Pick those strings and join the chorus
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Fa la la la la, la la la la
The other day I listened to the short story "Banjo Cheer" off of Tony Trischka's Christmas album. It got me thinking, despite all the haunting tunes I play, the banjo can be quite cheerful, especially when it is used to play Christmas carols. So over the next few days, I'll be posting my attempts at some Christmas carols. Today, I'll start by posting banjo cheer, and then my version of "Deck the Halls."
Friday, November 30, 2012
Finally - the Mountain Banjo
I finally finished my mountain banjo. It really wasn't that difficult, but it took a while because I didn't have access to tools. Here you can see me playing an old song called "Sweet Sunny South." It is fretless, so I'm still training my fingers to fall exactly where the notes are, but considering I've only been doing it for a few days, I'd say I'm doing alright. I still have to write about constructing the banjo. Those posts will be up soon.
As you can tell, it's not the best instrument, but it sounds alright. It's also only my first banjo. It does have a nice authentic old time, mountain sound. This particular banjo is modeled after the Stanley Hicks and Frank Proffit style banjos. These old banjos were typically tuned lower (perhaps to reduce string tension that could warp necks) and had gut strings (I substituted nylon for gut strings). I usually play this particular tune in G modal tuning (gDGCD) but for this banjo it is tuned down a few half steps (eBEAB). The combination of the nylon strings, lower tuning, and goat skin head give the banjo a nice plunky sound.
If you are interested in making one of these, click here to see how I built the banjo. Finally I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this project by providing insight, tools or materials. Randy Cordle of Bluestem Strings provided free plans. Steve Matechik provided tools and scrap material. Mr. Syzdek happily let me use his bandsaw on two occasions and a nice, new workbench. Carol loaned me her drill. Thanks everyone.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Thanksgigging Report - 2012
This year I continued my tradition of ending Thanksgiving with a flounder gigging trip. Our hopes were high as we passed hordes of shoppers on our way to Destin. Just the night before, our efforts had earned us five nice fish. Being away at Auburn made it hard for me to know where the fish were and how they were behaving. Normally I start following the flounder in the early fall, but this year I the only information I had was from the previous night. The flounder run didn't seem to be as good as last year, but there were still fish to find... Or so I thought.
Unfortunately, this year was a bust. In 2 hours of wading we saw only a few beds and zero flounder. The conditions were nearly identical to the night before, so I expected the night to be productive. It wasn't. There were some other giggers already out when we arrived and I thought maybe they got most of the fish. After chatting with a few of them, I learned we weren't alone. Some guys with a boat said they had been out for three hours and only got one fish. Oh well, at least I had the fish from the night before. This years run won't be lasting as long as last year', when I was still catching fish through December 6th. I'm done for this year.
P.S. - Sorry, no pictures for now. My camera isn't working.
Unfortunately, this year was a bust. In 2 hours of wading we saw only a few beds and zero flounder. The conditions were nearly identical to the night before, so I expected the night to be productive. It wasn't. There were some other giggers already out when we arrived and I thought maybe they got most of the fish. After chatting with a few of them, I learned we weren't alone. Some guys with a boat said they had been out for three hours and only got one fish. Oh well, at least I had the fish from the night before. This years run won't be lasting as long as last year', when I was still catching fish through December 6th. I'm done for this year.
P.S. - Sorry, no pictures for now. My camera isn't working.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Chicken of the Woods
The sulfur shelf (Laetiporus sulphurus) or chicken of the woods. (Photo by Jenna Crovo) |
Back in late September, I was conducting some fish surveys in the smokies. While wading down a stream, I noticed some fungi known as the sulfur shelf (Laetiporus sulphurus) or the chicken of the woods. They are known by many to be edible* and quite tasty. However, they can cause gastrointestinal upset in some people (upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea), so be careful if you eat them. DO NOT eat them if they are growing on Hemlock. Furthermore, if they are growing on dead wood, DO NOT eat them unless you are sure it is not hemlock. This blog post is just a short description and should not be used to identify mushrooms. Consult an expert and a field guide for proper identification.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
The Fralic's hosted the second old time jam at their barn. Lindsey and Phil played Angelina Baker on their fiddles while I added the percussion, using a technique called fiddlesticks. To achieve the percussive affect, just use chopsticks to lightly tap the strings of the fiddle between the bow and the fiddler's left hand. As a side note, we were inspired by this video of Tim Eriksen.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Angelina Baker
Angelina Baker
Angelina Baker's gone
She left me here to weep a tear
And beat on the old jaw bone
Here is another old-time tune done in the clawhammer banjo style. It is the first old time song I heard in a live, grassroots setting. A week later, I bought my banjo. The tune is called "Angelina Baker". Despite the upbeat sound, the lyrics can be pretty sad. The traditional Steven Foster lyrics are about a slave who mourns the loss of his lover after she is sold away. There are some differences between this song and a later song "Angeline the Baker," but aside from the lyrics, I'm not exactly sure what they are. If anybody knows, please shed some light on the topic. This version is a combination of Mike Iverson's version I learned a while ago, and my own version. In fact, it may actually be a blend of the two aforementioned songs, if they are indeed different.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Winemaking Tip: Leaving WIne on the Lees
One thing I have noticed about home winemakers, mead makers, and brewers is how overly controlling many van be about making their product. It is great that in this modern age, we have science, precise measuring tools and the technology to replicate earlier recipes. However, one shouldn't get so involved in all the details that wine making, mead making or brewing loose their charms. Too often, I have encountered brewers that have two-thousand dollars worth of equipment and fret over the most minuscule details, but their beer isn't all that great. On many occasions people have even complimented me on one of my creations, and then after asking me how I made it, they seem upset when I explain my techniques and they then proceed to tell me what I did "wrong." What is both frustrating and amusing is these people usually don't make wine, mead, or beer that tastes as good as mine. Don't misinterpret me, I still use good techniques (e.g. proper sanitation, record keeping, utilize high quality ingredients), but I do believe that sometimes too much effort is invested for too little returns. In these cases, it may be easier to just do it the simple way. So, in my new series of posts, I will be giving little tips on how to brew, make wine, or make mead the simple (not to mention cheap and easy) way! I have already discussed many of these techniques with both friends and strangers at bars and I've got plenty of resistance. To any doubters I will say the same thing I say to everyone else. Before you label my techniques as rubbish, come on over to my place and try some of my drinks that are made simply. Then (like some ignorant people) you can tell me how wrong I am while we both drink some delicious, improperly-made drinks. Any, I have vented enough, on to tip number 1!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
The fruit of the spicebush (Lindera benzoin) are as distinctive in flavor and aroma as they are in appearance. Photo by Jenna Crovo, used with permission. |
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Barn Bash
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Auburn Jams!
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Photo from the Corner News. |
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Here is an old song called "Waterbound." I'm still not that good at singing and playing yet so there are a few mistakes. I originally learned this song from Mike Iverson's tabs when I first started banjo. I have since changed the arrangement a little, but his tabs could get you started. Constructive criticism is always welcome.
Friday, July 13, 2012
2 Years of Banjo!
It's hard to believe it, but I have been playing banjo for two years already. Man, time is flying, but at least I'm enjoying it. As motivation for me to continue to challenge myself, I looked up a video of me playing when I was a fledgling musician. I didn't realize I had come so far. I always write that I have issues to work on (usually tempo and varying the melody), but at least I am improving. I plan on challenging myself and playing with some musicians around Auburn (most are much better than me). I hope this video also motivates anybody who is considering taking up the banjo, or any instrument. Just be careful, it can be addicting. In the last two years, I have also started learning guitar, ukulele, and the fiddle.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Building a Mountain Banjo: Rough-cutting the Neck
This is a continuation of my series of posts documenting my construction of a mountain banjo. Earlier posts include Building a Mountain Banjo: The Pot and Building a Mountain Banjo: Marking the Neck.
I actually did this way back in May, before I moved to Auburn, but I am just now getting a chance to write about. Compared to marking the neck, rough-cutting the neck was a quick process. The final shaping will be a different story (especially since I don't currently own a draw-knife, block plane, or rasp).
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy Fourth of July!
On America's birthday, plenty of people grill out. I didn't want to spoil any holiday appetites, so I waited until the end of the day to post this. Even after watching this, I still think hot dogs are awesome.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Here is another fiddle tune that I played on my banjo. Duane also recorded this piece, which is why the sound quality is better than most of my videos. This particular arrangement is by Mike Iverson, and the tabs are available for free. I know a lot of folks are opposed to tabs, so I'll add my two cents. I don't believe I could consider myself a good musician if I only used tabs, but they do help me learn. I use tabs on some songs and then try to incorporate what I learned from the tabs when I work out my own arrangements for songs. By using the tabs, I can learn from Mike, even through we are geographically separated. Yes, I also believe that it is up to the individual player to develop their own style, and I'm working on mine. However, I can still be influenced by others including Mike. His melodic style has definitely influenced me. I still make my own music, but it would be a shame not to learn from these tabs just for the sake of saying, "I don't use tabs." By the way, I have been playing for 2 years now! As you can tell, I still need to work on keeping time, but I'm getting better. Soon, I'll post a then and now video that anybody considering starting a musical instrument should find inspiring.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Herps at Telogia Creek
A Florida cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti) that I came face to face with as I climbed some stumps. I could tell that this one was about to shed because the eye is cloudy blue and the skin is pale. |
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Building a Mountain Banjo: Marking the Neck
This is a continuation of my series of posts that are following my construction of a mountain banjo. If you missed the first post it is available here, Building a Mountain Banjo: The Pot.
Before I could begin measuring out the neck, I head to find suitable material for the neck. If you look at the profile of the neck on the plans (courtesy of bluestem strings) you will notice that the angled headstock makes it necessary to use a large block of wood if you want to cut the neck from a block of wood rather than joining a headstock onto a smaller piece of wood. Some people get away with joining a headstock (I myself have used the method to construct a cigar box guitar), but a neck cut out of block of wood is stronger and looks nicer. That does not mean the block of wood has to be solid. Roughing out this neck from a block (laminated or solid) of wood requires the block to be at least 25 1/4" long x 2"wide (not accounting for the width of the headstock) x 2"deep (accounting for the angled head stock). These are the bare minimum measurements with no extra room. I found it easier to use a 3" x 3" block. However, a neck is best made out of hardwood, and a 3" x 3" block can be expensive. So, I laminated 3, 1" x 3" pieces of poplar together to form a block that was 26" x 3" x 3". All I had to do was cut the poplar to length, dampen the sides to be joined, apply gorilla glue and clamp the pieces tight overnight. I should also point out that I followed some advice I found on both the Banjo Hangout and the Bluestem Strings websites that said to try and book match the grain. I'm not sure if I did this correctly, but I'll describe what I did. I had two slab sawn pieces (quarter sawn would be better but this is a homemade banjo that I'm not investing much money in it) with curves in the grain (when viewed from the end of the board) and one without curves. I put the one without curves in the middle and laminated the others on the side so their curves were convex to the middle piece. Hopefully these crude drawings will clarify things.
Here are some basic tools that I used to measure out my neck because I couldn't get a hold of full size plans. |
Monday, May 28, 2012
Memorial Day
The soldier, above all other people, prays for peace, for he must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.
-General MacArthur
It's just something to think about while you enjoy the day off and grill some food. Take some time to remember those who have suffered for us.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
The Old-Time Jam: New Timey Technology for Old Timey Needs
Old-Time Jam! I can't believe it took me this long to find this website. Basically, it is a media player that has tracks for numerous old time songs played in various ways (banjo and fiddle, backup guitar, fiddle and guitar etc.), and also displays the chord progression for the songs. Creator, Josh Turknett, intended for it to be a practice tool for old-time musicians so they could work on songs even when there aren't other musicians to jam with. He did a great job achieving that goal. In addition, it is pretty relaxing to just let the tunes play in the background even when you aren't playing.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Sautéing the Chanterelles
Some smooth chanterelles in the raw form. |
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Alabama Chanterelles
A smooth chanterelle (Cantharellus confluens) emerges from the leaf litter. This was just one of three edible chanterelle species that I have found in the last week. |
Friday, May 18, 2012
Brewing Remains Illegal
If you read my blog, you probably know that I like to brew beer and I recently moved to Alabama. Unfortunately, home brewing is illegal in Alabama (and Mississippi). This state has a lot going for it, but there are definitely a lot of hardcore bible thumpers that live in fear. For the past few years, Alabama homebrewers have been fighting to legalize homebrewing. Unfortunately, the bill that would have legalized homebrewing in Alabama did not make it through the senate. I guess there is always next year. I am not going to rewrite what I have already posted, but if you think that homebrewing is risky or contributes to social degradation, read my post about brewing rights.
Collecting at Telogia Creek
This may not look like much at first glance, but if you look closely you will notice that what looks like dirt or algae is actually a pair of eyes. They belong to a flatfish called the hogchoker (Trinectes maculates) |
Thursday, May 17, 2012
On to Auburn (and other updates)
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A scene from Auburn University. |
I caught my first AL fish here at Chewacla Creek. |
Some smooth chanterelles are breaking through the moss and leaf litter. |
Some cinnabar red chanterelles. |
So why did I come to Auburn in the first place? Well, I'm starting grad school! I'll be working with Dr. Johnston in the Fisheries Department. My main focus will be conservation of the pygmy sculpin (Cottus paulus), but I'll have two years to write about that, so I won't go into detail today. I've already met some cool people, went on a fish collecting trip (more on that later), found chanterelles and blueberries, and found some local jams, all in less than a week. I think I'll like it here.
Other updates:
The daylilly had a spectacular bloom this year. There were some typical six tepaled (they are technically not all petals...see earlier post) flowers and some with extra tepals as I hoped for.
The daylillies in bloom. |
I got to put a little time in on the mountain banjo project. I laminated three pieces of wood together so I had a large block that I roughed the neck out of. I have not done the final shaping yet. I'll write a more detailed post on the banjo soon.
Friday, May 4, 2012
More Mushroom Mysteries
These huge boletes popped up over night. If only I could have identified them to species. |
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Building a Mountain Banjo: The Pot
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Mutant Daylily
This daylily has an extra petal and an extra sepal. It doesn't always bloom this way. I'm anxious to see if it will occur again this year. |
Foraging and Fishing - Early April
A keeper speck caught just before sunset. The fishing and the foraging are both good right now. |
Monday, April 2, 2012
Mushroom Mystery Solved!
Welcome to the world of mycophylia!
-Adam Giek
John was curious about seeing my harvest. I think his expression reveals that he was impressed. |
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Shady Grove
Cut a banjo from a gourd
Strung it up with twine
And every tune that I play
Will help to make her mine
I had a great time recording "Fall on My Knees" and a lot of people seemed to like it. During that session, Daune and I also recorded another awesome old time song called "Shady Grove." Unlike "Fall on My Knees," which is about lost love, this song is about finding love. It is usually done as a modal tune. I don't know too much music theory, but I think it means that it is not in a major key, or a minor key. Duane did a great job managing the recording equipment and also provided some more percussive guitar. This particular version uses some traditional verses and some that I made up. A few were made up on the fly, and a few were messed up on the fly. By the time we recorded this song, we had been up for hours doing some serious recording and a little drinking. We decided to have fun rather than reach perfection. Mistakes were inevitable, but I personally prefer this song in its raw, unrehearsed form. If you are interested in the song, check out my ever growing list of verses. I am going to try to add a new verse every month. In fact, after leaving Charm City (Baltimore) I was reminiscing about the good times I had up there and I came up with this verse.
It's a long, long way to Baltimore
The place they call Charm City
But I hear up there the good beer flows
And all the girls are pretty
Monday, March 26, 2012
Flounder and Crabs, March 14th -17th
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Although forced perspective is at work in this photo, this blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) was indeed a huge crab. (Photo by John Dougherty, used with permission.) |
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Spring Weeding = Free Food
The tasty tuber from the common southern weed, Florida betony (Stachys floridana). Some say it resembles a rattlesnakes tail, hence one of the common names, rattlesnake weed. |
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Spore Print Results
Yesterday, I was trying to positively identify a mushroom that I suspected was a King Bolete (Boletus edulis). In my post, I explained that I was taking a spore print to help identify the mushroom. A spore print is basically a collection of tiny spores that are too small to see individually, but visible in the aggregate form. The print allows a mycologist (one who studies mushrooms) or forager to determine the color of the spores which is very useful when trying to identify a mushroom. To make a print you place the cap of a mushroom on a flat surface (paper, cardboard, or glass), cover it with a container to prevent air circulation from scattering the spores, and let the spores pile up underneath the cap. It usually takes a few hours, but I just let my prints form overnight. After posting last night, I set up my spore print and went to sleep. In the morning, I was anxious to see the results. And the results are...no visible spore print. I was a little disappointed, but there are so more mushrooms of the same species popping up. I think the specimen I picked was immature, so if I let the others mature longer, I should be able to form a readable spore print. I'll update the blog when I get more conclusive results. Until then, I am just drying my mushroom. If it turns out to be an edible bolete, I'll eat it. If not, I'll throw it in my garden to decompose.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Could this be the King Bolete?
The mushroom that I suspect may be a king bolete (Boletus edulis). The quarter is for scale. |
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
I got drunk and fell on the floor this morning
I got drunk and fell on the floor this morning
I got drunk and fell on the floor
It was good corn liquor and I want some more, this morning!
-verse from the old time song, "Policeman".
My friend recently posted an old version of this song on facebook. He tagged me and then wrote something about how the song was inspired by our adventure. The lyrics are about a guy getting arrested so naturally people jokingly asked if we had a run in with the police. Sorry but there is no exciting arrest story to tell. The truth is we were just out gigging and this song just happened to pop into my head. We both sang it throughout our adventure thus inspiring John to post it online. John's posting inspired me to learn it so here it is. I learned it by ear but it's a pretty simple tune so it didn't take long. As usual it will be some time before I can sing and play this song at the same time. When I can, I'll post an update.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Carnivorous Pitcher Plants
A flowering white-topped pitcher plant (Sarracenia leucophylla). If you could actually look closely at the inside of the pitcher, you would notice downward pointing hairs, called spicules, that allow insects to go down the pitcher but make it very hard for them to climb or fly up. |
Friday, March 9, 2012
Flounder Are Back!
John and the first flounder he ever gigged. You can see that his predatory instincts have taken over. |
We didn't get a lot of fish, but the night was a success because I helped John gig his first fish. He must have really liked it. In fact, I just spent the last few hours helping John make his own gigging light, and then he tried to convince me to go tonight, despite the gusty conditions. If you are interested in gigging, check out some of my other posts under the "fishing" label. This one explains what equipment you need, and I'll soon write posts about where to go, and how to make your own light.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Teaberry: American Wintergreen
American winterberry, or Teaberry (Gaultheria procumbens), a great trailside nibble. |
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Fall On My Knees
I never would've kissed
Your red rosy lips
Never heard your lying tongue, little girl
Never heard your lying tongue
This song is a blast to play thanks to it's upbeat tempo. To me, this song is all about the energy and drive so I try to emphasize the rhythm rather than the melody. I didn't play any intricate melody in this song and for the most part I stuck to the basic bum-ditty banjo lick. Duane also did a great job contributing to the rhythm with his percussive guitar techniques.
I also finally built up the confidence to sing with my banjo, a skill that many banjo players encourage to new players. I took their advice and it not only added another dimension to my songs, but also made playing a whole lot more fun. If you are learning the banjo, give it a try. Nobody cares if you make a few mistakes. This is old fashioned folk music, not refined, auto-tuned and artificial pop music. In the end, I think Duane and I did pretty well, and we both had a blast creating some foot-stompin' music
Friday, February 17, 2012
This is a little late, but I have not had internet access so I'm posting it today as opposed to Tuesday. Since we just had Valentine's Day, the classic image of a heart is fresh in many people's minds. Although real hearts don't look anything like that there are many other things in nature that do.
The cross-section of this pignut hickory (Carya glabra) seed has a nice heart shape. Others liken the shape to a pig's nose, hence the common name. |
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Spring Time in the Southeast
It is with great irony that I am writing this post because it is snowing outside right now. However, I'm in Baltimore, not the southeast, and on my drive up here I was able to see the early signs of spring. Last Friday, I was camping in Blackwater State forest (N. Florida) and the sparkleberries (Vaccinium arboreum) were already in bloom! Even way back in January I spotted a "confused" elderberry plant that was flowering. Normally, I don't see them until early summer. I was also surprised to see the dewberries (Rubus trivialis) are blooming too. As long as we don't get a late frost, we should have plenty for eating, making jams, and fermenting into wine or mead. The fragrant black titis (Cliftonia monophylla) that normally bloom in late February or March are also starting to bloom in wetlands and along roadside ditches. Redbuds (Cercis canadensis) are blooming in hardwood forests and residential areas. Cultivated plants such as Chinese magnolias, red buds, Bradford pears and evens some azaleas are blooming along city streets and in suburban yards.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Fish or Fishes
Three fish but two fishes (i.e. mullet and speckled trout). |
Lapse in Posts
I received a message from a concerned reader who noted that I have not updated the blog lately. Apparently he needs something to read at work. Although I do not officially condone reading my blog at work (feel free to pass the link on to your coworkers) I will try to get some more posts up by tonight or tomorrow at the latest. I have not been neglecting my readers. I have actually been on a marathon drive this week, and the week before I was having issues booting up my 2007 PC.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Endangered Fishes in Our Own Backyard
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The roundtail chub (Gila robusta), a vulnerable species, in spawning coloration. I was fortunate enough to see these beautiful fish when I worked in Wyoming. |
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Tribute to Rhysling
Our complete tribute to Rhysling! We didn't have a drummer tonight, and we need to work on keeping tempo, but it is coming along. Enjoy! Also, note how Jonathan gets really excited and looses his pick.
Lyrics by Robert A Heinlein, taken from his short story "The Green Hills of Earth." Music by Chris and Jonathan.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Green Hills of Earth
I am writing this at the risk of sounding like the nerdiest person in the world. Jonathan and I have been goofing around on our instruments, and we ended up putting chords and a melody to a song from one of Robert Heinlein's short stories, "The Green Hills of Earth." In the story, a jetman, named Rhysling, loses his sight to radiation while working in the engine room of a spacecraft. Afterwards, he is no longer useful as a jetman (or so people think) so he becomes a space bard, and wanders the solar system with his accordion musically chronicling the people and places he sees. (*SPOILER ALERT-Skip the rest of this paragraph if you ever plan on reading the story.) Rhysling travels for years and then finally decides to return to "the green hills of Earth." He bums a ride on a transport and the engine malfunctions causing radioactive material to fill the room. The jetman on duty dies leaving Rhysling to dump the radioactive material. As he completes what he knows will be his last task, he describes the solar system in verses, and sings one last revised chorus.
We pray for one last landingOn the globe that gave us birthLet us rest our eyes on fleecy skiesAnd the cool green hills of Earth!
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